❤️💓Couples, make your Marriage a Beautiful Experience, determine it shuould be the BEST❗️ MEEKNESS is the Mother of Good Character. If your Marriage must be successful, U must be MEEK & GENTLE. Couples, please be MEEK & HUMBLE. 🌹Col 3:12. Be Gentle & Soft to each other. Be Caring and ever L💖VING to your spouse, Ever cautious never ever taking your spouse for granted. 💓Meekness is a Godly Attribute. Daily GROW in it💓. Remember, before any divorce can take place, Uncontrollable anger, Malice, Bitterness, Resentment, Unforgiveness, Stubbornness, Vengeance must have root. These EVIL attributes destroy Marriage but they BOW in presence of the SPIRIT OF MEEKNESS. Yes Meekness is a Spirit. 🌹1 Cor 4:21.
🎁MEEKNESS will ensure your Marriage is FAILURE PROOF🎁. ADORN yourself in Meekness this 2020, 🔸Develop and Daily GROW in it beloved☀️. Meekness is needed if your home will be full of Joy.☀️
💮💚Any home where the husband and wife are both willing to handle issues with MEEKNESS it can only BLOOM💚💮. This is your Testimony❗️Couples, Charisma or possessions are not what determine destiny of any Marriage, but Character of the parties involved in the relationship. You shall Enjoy Ur Spouse, Marriage & Home. Blowing Angelic Kisses Ur Way. 🔥CCnCC🔥 Celebrates U.
Gros Bisous

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