🌸💜The L❤️VE of FAMILY is G❤️D’s greatest blessing. Treat your parents with loving care. Be sure you spend time with your parents while you can. You will only know their value when you see their empty chair. 🔆Cherish your Family, Make time, have Patience and LAUGH often with them. The TIME spent with Family is worth every second. Time with those one L❤️VES is the Greatest Gift. The memories we make with our Family is priceless. Your Family is Blessed and it is Moving Forward. 🔆God Is Faithful. HE will continue to Visit your Family in Various ways. Happy Weekend as you strengthen the bonds. 🌹1 Cor 13, Ps 16:11🌹.💜🌸
💓FAMILY- Small moments in Time, Creating Memories that last a lifetime💓.
💖Luv Ye All💖

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123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

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