🔥CCnCC🔥 Day is here. Welcome all! 🌸This is a day we pray for Families. GOD The Maker of Marriage loves your Family with a Passion. God wants your Marriage to be a place of perpetual Rest. When there is terrible stress and unrest out there, God wants everyone to return home to find Rest and Peace. HE wants your Marriage to be a place of Joy, Excitement and filled with L♥️VE. Here the Couple is ONE and United. For every Marriage reading this, this shall be your portion!
✝️Most marriages started as purely relationship between two FRIENDS, they grew so close, fell in love, courted were always talking and communicating, tending to each other in Love, as they planned for their marriage. To live Happily ever after in love. Yes and so shall this Be because it Is God’s WILL for your Marriage.
🌼God said in HIS Word: “And GOD said, it is NOT good that man should be alone, I will make him an help meet.” 🌹Genesis 2:18🌹
God said it is NOT good for man to be alone, that is,💥 It Is GOOD to get married, it is GOOD to be in Matrimony. It is GOOD to be a wife and husband💥. For our Singles reading this, you shall be Coupled legally this Year in the Nm of Jesus. God Is writing your story behind the scenes.
In 🌹Matthew 19:5🌹 KJV Jesus also said:
” For this cause shall a man LEAVE father and mother, and shall CLEAVE to his wife: and they twain shall be ONE FLESH”.
Once you get married, you leave all and Invest your treasured relationship with your spouse. Your spouse becomes your priority and number one in your life after God🔸. You CLEAVE to your spouse. CLEAVING means you begin to give your FULL ATTENTION to your spouse, you deliberately spend time with him / her. He /she becomes your focus physically, Socially and Emotionally. Your eyes become “single” on your spouse🌼.
🔴GIVING each other ATTENTION is very crucial to the Success of any Marriage. Beloved, Marriage needs your ATTENTION despite your very busy schedule. Your Marriage is like a garden, if you don’t tend to it, it will grow weed💚.
🌕The mistake of most married people is that they STARVE their partner of attention. The husband gives more attention to the Ministry, Work, Newspaper and Television. 🌸Some women also divert the attention meant for their husbands to their children, soap operas, fashion, parties, etc. As soon as a woman gives birth to a child, she will divert all her love towards the baby leaving her husband in a limbo, this is very bad. Your children are visitors in your house. They are passers by. Once they grow up and are married, they will leave you and your spouse alone in your home. So give and lavish all theAttention to your darling spouse now, bond and Gel. ☢️Don’t drift apart, try to always be on the same page. It’s bad if you drift apart cause by the time you try to go back to what you had going and used to do in the beginning it could be too late. This is not our portion❗️
🌺In this LOCKDOWN Corona holiday, follow some of the tips on HOW to Attend to each other🌺:
💢Enjoy each other’s company.
💢Communicate Effectively together.
💢Spend time doing what both of you enjoy .
💢Connect with each other.
💢Be patience with each other.
💢Talk about anything and everything. Talk about your childhood, the day you discovered you were in love with her/him, your courtship days, your wedding day, your first day after the wedding, Talk and keep on talking.
💢 Be Playful together.
💢 Laugh hard together until the children stare at you with smiles on their faces.
💢 Look for a nice movie and watch it together. You could be creative and equally invite in the children, tell them it’s Family Time and that the whole family would watch a movie together. Turn your parlor into a movie theatre, dim the lights low and watch your movie in happiness. It’s part of bonding.
💢Listen to sermon of your place of worship together or of any other Woman or man of God whom you like together. Then discuss on what was preached.
💢Spend time praying together.
💢 Ask each other, “what do you want me to do for you?”. Be ready to serve your spouse, spoil her/him a little and pamper her/ him silly.
💞Couples, may God bless your Marriage and Home. May HE Heal every hurting home. I speak Peace and Calmness into your home starting from now; For those separated, your husband will come back to you🌖.
♥️Beloved, your Marriage and your Childrens’ Marriages will all go from GOOD, to BETTER, from Better to BEST and from BEST to finally PERFECT. This shall be your lot and portion.
💕Remember Marriage means “Home Sweet Home.” The Honey of your Marriage shall forever be Sweet and never Sour💞.
🔴APRIL 2020🔴

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8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

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