It has been found that 7 out of 10 people who go into business, are completely FINANCIALLY DULL even to MAINTAIN Wealth. They are suffering from Financial DULLNESS, with ZERO Financial Intelligence. This is a tragedy. ?


This involves on HOW MUCH one ‘knows’ about Money i.e.:
?MONEY MAKING?: in a Lawful & Righteous way?.
?BUDGETING your Income?.
That is making Adequate plans on HOW to handle your finances.
Planning how to spend each penny made wisely?.
?How to SAVE☄:
?The ability to save is a culture that must be developed. Beloved couples, it’s not only on how much you make that really matters but how much you are able to save? If you cannot save money, you cannot go far in life. Don’t allow your money to tempt you to go to the market/ shopping always.

?Cherished Couples, you must have the ?”COUPLE MONEY PERCEPTION Mentality?”. That is the money in your home and purse belongs to BOTH OF YOU TOGETHER irrespective of who made it. It doesn’t belong to either one of you alone. That’s how GOD SEES IT AS WELL. If you are a Couple, Two of you CANNOT say you are Married and be Single Financially NO!

My Prayer ?? to us all is that
?? ?For Families to Move Forward I implore Couples to be ?Transparent and Naked to each other and Build a BETTER L❤VING Marriage WITHOUT hiding nothing to each other and

?May we say NO to EVERY Form of FINANCIAL DULLNESS as we INTENTIONALLY Increase our Financial INTELLIGENCE?.

?Ecclesiastes 10:19 MSG?

Beloved, May GOD SHOW you what Next Step to take that will lead to your Breakthrough in the Name of Jesus.✴?




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